[caption id="attachment_581" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Keynote speaker?"]

It is easy to
contribute to the organisation of FSCONS. A simple thing you can do right away, is to
propose keynote speakers for this year's conference. It may be someone you met at a previous FSCONS, that you think fits the summit's goal of pointing out the links between a free society, free culture and free technology. Or someone new to FSCONS, that would make an excellent participant, having interesting ideas to share.
Create an account on our planning wiki, and share your suggestions!
Surely, you have one or two dream keynotes you'd love to see on FSCONS. Now you know how to let us know! So, suggest away. We can't wait to learn about your suggestions.
Woodcut of Socrates / kladcat / http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/Woodcut of Socrates reading a book from a title-page woodcut border printed by Simon de Colines (d. 1546) Penn Libraries call number: GrC Ar466 T11 1528 Folio