Call for Participation (2010)
10 May 2010
Call for Participation
Submitted by jonas on 10 May, 2010 - 08:59
It's that time of the year again when it's time to think about FSCONS 2010. Following a five month winter hibernation, things are now progressing rather rapidly as the 5th of November draws near. As of today, the Call for Participation is out, and if you have an idea, project or general topic which you would like to present during FSCONS 2010, it's time for you to let us know.
We'd like to have your ideas by the end of June, but the quicker you let us know, the better. If you want, you can go directly to the submission form.
This year, we have a few themes in mind, which you can find in the CFP, but they are not at all binding. We might come up with new themes, remove some existing ones, or just shift things around, since in the end, it will all depend on what ideas for topics we get from you.
So don't waste time, get started submitting those ideas, and make sure that you write down the 5-7th of November in your calendar already now.
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